Marriage is not only about the couple, it is also about the family.
Along with the couple two other connections are very important to have a healthy marriage.
The connection and harmony between the girl getting married and her mother-in-law and connection between the boy getting married and his father-in-law. The girl is coming as next most important woman in the man’s life, it is like taking over responsibility of emotions of the man from the mother-in-law. Till now his mother has been the first and most important woman in his life, subconsciously that is the benchmark of a woman in his life, hence it is important that he feels safe with the new woman he is bringing in his space. And the mother-in-law feels safe to pass on the responsibility of her beloved asset to his wife. A wife cannot and should not replace the mother. Both relations have their own importance in fulfilling emotions in the man’s life. If the wife understands this, there will never be a competition between the MIL and DIL. It is actually in her own benefit if she lets the man maintain closeness with the mother. The mother is used to carrying his emotions. If the wife tries to become the man’s mother to get exclusive position and recognition in his life which most women do, one day she will start feeling burdened..the man would start behaving more like her child than the husband. The MIL was responsible to start one generation and the DIL is going to create another. Hence, harmony, connection and love between the two is very important to create a healthy family system.
Likewise, the relationship with the father-in-law and the man getting married is important. As the father has been the first and most important man in the girl’s life and subconsciously benchmark of a man in her life. And the boy is going to take the next man’s position in the girl’s life. It is important that the father feels comfortable and safe to handover responsibility of security and survival of his princess to the boy. And the girl feels safe to bring him in as the next most important man in her life.
The boy cannot and should not replace the father. For similar reasons stated above. He should not try to compete with the FIL and his importance in the girl’s life.
The person who gives you birth can never be replaced as there is a part of them in you which will always remain. It makes you what you are.
#Antaheen #imhappybeingme
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