Monday, 12 March 2018



Pain in the #neck

We usually use this phrase, the psychological answer to this pain is in the phrase itself. When something becomes too much to bear we say it is pain in the neck. Usually when you take too much burden on yourself you get back neck pain. It is like feeling of being bogged down under it. The long root to this pain can again lead to father or mother issues depending on whose responsibility are you compensating for. Or have you been parenting your own parents.

When we restrain ourself from resting on someone we get neck pain on the side of the neck, which side of the neck will define whether you are avoiding relying on masculine or feminine energy.

Sometimes when we also try to take our neck out to take up responsibility for everything or every person in our life we tend to develop neck pain. Or when we try to hold our neck higher than others which is result of low self esteem and need to be recognised.

Such psychological and emotional baggages again have ancestral lineage baggages and they tend to become a pattern in the family passing from one generation to another.

In Systemic Family Constellation Workshop it is possible to heal such issues and set the order right, eventually releasing the pain.

#Antaheen #imhappybeingme


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