Monday, 12 March 2018



There cannot be greater intimacy than being inside somebody’s body or having somebody inside you. That feeling is like ‘merger’ with the person.

First it is the mother when we are inside her womb and later when we grow up that same emotion and warmth is experienced during intercourse.

Lack of emotional intimacy or extreme attachment with the mother can lead to sexual addiction. The addiction to relive the moment of being inside a mother’s womb and feeling safe.

Touch of somebody’s body and intimacy with the person brings short-lived emotional assurance, security and warmth. However due to lack of emotional stability as a child the person feels scared to commit and or have deep emotional connection.

People who lack emotional intimacy due to dysfunctional family environment in growing years lack respect for love and get hooked on to lust and momentary satisfaction. Regular masturbation is also an attempt to release those blocked and congested emotions.

Lot of people say it is it? Multiple partners and multiple relationships gives you exposure however doesn’t bring the depth or connection, it is like brushing against something. Depth comes when you give someone time to connect with you at all levels including physical intimacy and let their essence soak in and unite.

#Antaheen #imhappybeingme


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