Wednesday, 5 July 2017


'Aham' the claim that we make about our existence by trying to prove ourselves better than the other or superior than the other is nothing but result of a very deep 'low self esteem.' Somewhere deep within we believe ' I am not good enough' and hence constantly try to prove our self worth in our own eyes and to others. This can be result of over dominance or over criticism by the parents during childhood. When we grow, it develops into constant need to prove our worth. Need for higher designations, big business empires, material status, supremacy of knowledge etc. When you know your self worth, you become humble and grounded. You don't feel there is a need to prove it.
Such issues can be identified and healed for individuals and teams with Systemic Family & Business Constellation. | #Antaheen |


The masculinity of 'Shiv' gets enhanced because of his 'Shakti' and mystical beauty of 'Shakti' comes to its full bloom because of her 'Shiv'.

We carry both masculine and feminine energies within us. A woman becomes, feels and looks more beautiful and attractive when she is confident, outgoing, assertive, successful...which means when her masculine qualities merge with her feminity.

When a woman is in love with a man she glows.

Likewise, a man becomes more charming and attractive when he is sensitive and caring. Which is when he merges his feminine qualities with his masculinity.

A man feels his manhood when he makes love to his woman.

Such is the play and love of Shiv-Shakti. They just seem separate, they might fight and be in conflict but they are always one. 

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Sometimes you repay karma for acts and deeds done by your family ancestors.
When a child takes birth in a family the psychological and emotional memories along with karmas get transferred to the child as family conscious. Likewise, for a business set up the Karmas of the founding members and people who have led the organisation or been part of it becomes part of the organisation conscious.
These Karmas might manifest as certain patterns across generation without any logical explanation. In one of therapeutic cases, the client said her father killed her sister, the therapy revealed it is a pattern in the family. The great grandfather had also killed one of his child and something similar has happened in client's uncle's family. The therapy revealed that the ancestors of the family were involved in a war, where they killed loved ones of many people and the family today is repaying their karma by killing their own loved ones.
Such dynamics can be explored and healed through Systemic Constellation for family or business, by mapping energies of the lineage.
#Antaheen | | 


Like humans spaces also have energy impressions and memories. We usually refer to it as 'Vibe' of a place. The way we can work on ourself and clean our energy, aura and mind with unwanted thoughts, belief systems and emotions. Baggages related to spaces can also be cleared.
Every space has a history, who owned it, where is it located, what is the relation, what karmas has it witnessed etc.
Why do we feel serene and blissful when we are in 'natural landscapes' and why do we feel 'stressed out' when we are in city area?
Why do some houses prove to be lucky, why moving to a new office affects the business...
Such dynamics of spaces can be identified and healed using Systemic Family & Business Constellation.
#Antaheen | |

Therapy Observations: by Komal Agarwal
When the child is born, the first touch of the mother gives him/her assurance of existence. By conceiving us inside her womb, the mother is the first one to define meaning of 'love' and 'intimacy' to us.
If for any reason, the intimacy with mother is not complete as desired, the child in us keeps longing and seeking this love in every close relationship.
When the child grows, at personality level this gets manifested as clinginess and insecurity with love partners, attention seeking acts, craving for love, sexual addictions, excessive eating, commitment phobia, discomfort in very close or intimate relationships, lack of trust, changing partners too frequently, fear of love, aggression, rebel, inability to express emotions or over expression of emotions etc.
This might also lead to differences among couple as you start seeking a mother in your partner than being an equal.
In work, this might result in need for spoon feeding, over dependency on bosses, seeking appreciation etc.
At physical level this might get manifested as weight gain especially around stomach and intimate areas.
Such dynamics can be explored and healed through Systemic Family & Business Constellations. 
#Antaheen | | 

Friday, 10 March 2017

Can cancer be a blessing in disguise? A real life case study of mother & child: To present spiritual take on the disease

Whenever any of our loved ones suffer with life threatening disease, the first thought that crosses our mind is ‘we might loose them.’ The thought of not having them around anymore scares us. Somewhere we cannot imagine life without them, we get used to the ways in which they add to our lives. However, it is our need. The soul suffering from the disease might have it’s own plans and might be wanting to travel ahead and pass over. During such times the real question that comes and stands in-front of the family is - whose need should be given priority, ours or that soul’s?
Recently, one such case came to me. Sharing that with you to define ‘What love really is’ and how it is much larger than just our physical existence. How even a deadly disease can be a blessing in disguise. 
Case: Client’s mother was suffering from Intestinal Cancer. She was admitted in the hospital in the ICU. She was in unconscious state, was not responding too well to medicines, started loosing her body colour and warmth. Her liver and kidneys were not functioning. The client called me, if Family Constellation can help. I had never worked on such a case in the past, hence I told him “we can explore” however I am not sure how will her soul respond to it. We will follow whatever her soul wants and would not interfere with her journey. Whether she wants to pass over or turn around will be completely her call. The son, an evolved spiritual soul himself was in agreement with the suggestion. He wanted to respect his mother’s decision and wanted to ensure that if she chooses to pass on, she does that peacefully. 
Constellation:  In cases like this, when the client is under critical care and cannot come for a therapy, we can work through one of the family members who is directly related. In this case, the client as a son had equal stakes. We did two constellations consecutively spread across two days. In first one, we explored the reason for attracting cancer in her life and in second one we explored the role cancer is playing in her life. 
Since it was the son who had reached out, I believed that even he had some role in this entire scenario. Hence, in the first constellation we placed energies of Mother, Son and Cancer to explore their dynamics. Objective was to explore the ‘reason because of which she attracted cancer and the path her soul would like to take.’ The constellation opened up showing that the mother’s soul is standing at the edge. She is longing to cross over, her longing was to meet soul of her aborted kids. She had lost 2 babies. She has one son and one daughter in physical existence but was now longing to share space with the aborted kids. As part of the constellation, getting to see reality the client gladly accepted her decision and longing however had an outburst out of love to re-claim his rights on the mother. (In the past, the client had issues with his parents and this outburst and reaching out to the mother for love was required for his healing). 
Next day, the client messaged me that his mother has started responding to dialysis, her body warmth and colour has come back. Her health conditions started improving. I was amazed with what I heard. I told the client that she responded back to your love. 
The next day client wanted to set up another constellation for her liver and kidneys to function. 
In the second constellation, we worked with the same intention, that we will follow intentions of the soul and not interfere with her journey. The constellation gave us an insight about ‘role of cancer’ in her life. We got to know that the client’s mother has a history of cancer in her family. Her father and sister both suffered and succumbed to the disease. However, client’s mother was brave enough to fight this family pattern and overcome it. In the constellation the mother was standing at an edge with souls of her father and sister, where she chooses to turnaround and not follow them. Cancer was a reason for her ‘Self empowerment.’ The constellation showed that the disease was like a turning point in her life, post which she would shine in her own light as a winner. In past, we have seen such cases where near death experiences are just means to transform your soul. 
Next morning, I received a pleasant message from the client stating that her mother has come back to consciousness, she has started opening her eyes from time to time and acknowledges what you tell her. Her dialysis stopped, and her blood pressure became normal. Few days later, I got to know all her medication stopped, ventilator stopped, her reports were constantly improving. Later she was shifted out of ICU and now she is back home. 
This entire case, strength and love of the son supporting her journey has left me speechless. Like always, I bow down in-front of the energy or power which is much larger than us and guides this work.
I have included client’s comments about his journey and the work. He has happily given me permission to share this case with you along with his name.
“ My last interaction with Komal and systemic constellation was in Feb 2017 when my mother reacted to a treatment called chemo therapy .
My mother had a cardiac arrest because of side effect chemo. Her body went through shock and all her organs had shut down with little or no chance of recovery as per the information provided to me by a group of highly experienced surgeons and specialists at the hospital she was.
I contacted Komal to ask whether her work would be able to assist my mother in anyway.
We met the next day and set up a constellation for her. The entire process was guided through by Komal.
My only intention was to assist my mother spiritually no matter whatever she wished to choose . i.e: Stay as a physical form or pass over .
The session not only gave me an insight as to what was going on,but on a spiritual level also helped me make peace with my mothers decision.
Towards the end of my session I did have a burst of emotions with helped me release any resistance to my mothers decision and completely accept the outcome of the constellation set up.
In less than 1 hour after the session with Komal was over the medical professionals decided to try out a procedure (experiment ) on her as the last and final treatment which could help her medically.
In a couple of hours from the start of the treatment she started to get more and more stable and the doctors themselves could not believe the positive response her body was showing to the treatment.
I was in constant communication and kept informing Komal about the same.
I day later we set up a 2nd constellation. Once again only with the pure intention of assisting her choice.
My mother has only gotten better and better as days have progressed.
My faith in this service that Komal offers has become stronger than ever before.
Thank you Komal for restoring my family and returning my mother back to me." Love and light - Yezdazard Damania
This case made me realise that ‘Love & family connections are beyond physical existence. On one end the mother yearned to be with her lost kids and on other end she needed a reason to transform her life and soul journey and cancer gave her that space. All her life she was busy doing things for other people. Cancer is result of suppressed emotions." - Komal Agarwal, Founder & CEO, I'm happy being me.
Systemic Constellation therapy is a modality which can be used for both family and business systems to explore and resolve hidden dynamics. In this modality we use work with an energy field called the morphogenic field or the knowing field which has imprints of your Soul DNA. It is a trans-generation multidimensional therapy that can map issues across generations and heal them. The healing that happens for the client has an effect on entire lineage or system that the client belongs to. You can read more about the therapy on my website or write to me.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017


Love is a feeling which is beyond definitions however it also has an order, a system. Every person has a role and place in the system they belong to. When that is not fulfilled or respected other people from the system out of love tries to compensate by reversing roles or find ways to feel recognized. This causes disharmony and imbalance in the system resulting in conflicts and emotional turmoil. The moment the responsibilities are taken up by the assigned or the missing person is recognised, harmony in the system can be re-stored. This is valid for both family and business systems.

Each individual who is born craves to be part of their system, be it the system of life, society, family or organization, they crave to get recognised and accepted, as a result create their life around it. In sphere of physical existence, love is often defined by survival need based attachments. However, in family constellation therapy, which is a trans-generation therapy we often see that love transcends physical existence and at soul level it is ‘recognition’ based love, the need to get ‘acknowledged', the ‘right to belong’ to the system. 
The first physical attachment gets created between the sperm of a man and egg of a woman, that results in formation of a life. When these unite it is not only physical union but union of two systems that the man and woman belongs to. Their entire family DNA across generations - physical, psychological, emotional and karmic gets transferred and unite, which later defines the personality of the baby who is born. The baby's soul that comes into existence as result of this union also has it’s own imprints and purpose of life, it chooses to take birth in this family, as it knows that this union would lead to certain experiences - good or bad, that it desires. Question is what carries this information, how does it gets transferred and integrated in a child? Answer is - Morphogenic field or the Knowing Field or the Informing Field that has information about everything that exists or has ever existed. (Biologist Dr.Rupert Sheldrake has done immense work on this field and has made an attempt to describe it in detail. You can google and look for material and youtube videos.)
As mentioned earlier, love is result of survival needs or right to belong. At soul level the baby is given ‘right to belong’ to this system hence it gets attached or develops love for the system, and at physical level it gets attached for it’s survival needs, hence love develops. Slowly as the baby grows the love expands for the world, country, society, organisation etc that gives it space to exist or survive and becomes part of its life system.
Every system has a structure or order that keeps it going. The structure has it’s needs and a balance to maintain to ensure it’s continuity. Every individual who is part of the system has some role to play and contributes in constructing the system, to keep it going. Hence they have right to belong to the system. If anyone fails to fulfil their role, others out of love for the system starts compensating to maintain the balance and ensure continuity, however this leads to imbalance or disharmony. For e.g. in a family system if the father who is considered to be head of the family and is responsible for their survival needs, fails to do so, usually the mother or the children steps up to fulfil the role. However, this disturbs the family system and causes emotional imbalance due to role and authority reversal. The person carrying this additional responsibility feels burdened, drained or agitated as he/she is carrying additional role that does not belong to them and is stopping them from living and enjoying their lives fully. They also start feeling more authoritative and start parenting their parent, as a result stop asking and receiving on emotional levels. Likewise every soul has right to belong to the system and if they are not recognised or acknowledged they try and express them through others. These dynamics can be visible or subtle. 
Similar logic is applicable to other systems. An organization or a company has it’s own structure and dynamics, which got created as result of instances between people that have been part of the system. There are few who constructs the base and others who are floating, however all leave a mark on the system. When people leave, it becomes very difficult for their descendants to identify and settle their imprints. It might take years and millions to identify and resolve conflicts or to shift belief systems or behaviours of departments without knowing why they exist. The usual resolution that is adopted is to hire behavioural trainers. However, if people do not follow what the trainers guide them to do, then the training goes waste. The HR heads might show these trainings in their records as x number of trainings were organised and record feedbacks from people, however question is does the shift really happen? The belief or personality of an individual is a combination of various systems that he/she belongs to. 
In systemic constellation work, we work with the Morphogenic Field or the Knowing Field of the system. It is possible to simultaneously work across different systems family or business that the person belongs to and integrate them to find a resolution in couple of hours or days. The father of systemic constellation work is a German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. You can visit my website to know more about the process of systemic constellation work and how can family and business constellations help you. Alternatively you can write to me on and we can have a detailed conversation over a cup of coffee!. 
About the author:
Komal Agarwal, is a Systemic Constellation Facilitator, she works with family, business and structural constellations. She also practises Clinical Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Pranic Healing and Intuitive Healing. She is founder and CEO of I’m happy being me, objective of which is to guide you in your journey of Self Actualization, to achieve your highest potential. |