Deeper the relationship, more difficult it is to forgive and let go, why?
What does deep relationship mean?
Large amount of energy exchange in different forms (e - motion, energy in motion) and when that relationship breaks, it takes us a while to re-adjust our energy system and balance it. Till the time we finish the balancing process we keep holding on to that relationship as a ‘grudge’ ‘anger’ or ‘complain’ as in some form it keeps the relationship going.
We blame that person as we were dependent for that supply of energy and suddenly that supply is stopped.
Forgiveness, is coming to terms to stop expecting energy supply (e-motion) from that person in the form it was coming before and cutting the energy chord so that internal supply can start or new healthy chords of emotions or energy supply (relationships) can be created.
Few simple ways of doing this is:
1. Sit in meditation, close your eyes, focus on your breath for sometime till you become aware of your body and your presence.
Then give intention to release any energy chord that is attached to you, that has served its purpose, and then mentally scan your body. You might sense some energy chords leading out from different chakra points (energy centres), see who is at the end of that chord and why have you kept the person still attached to you. Get an insight, do a mental conversation if required, do an energy exchange, give back all emotions that has come from them, which were not required and forgive and thank the person, ask for forgiveness and release the person by cutting the chord from your body and then mentally healing that area with new fresh energy or emotion that you would want to replace it with.
2. If the above process seems complicated, you can work with affirmations.
Write down “ I forgive everyone, including myself”
21 times for 21 days without a gap.
21 times x 21 days because that is the time our mind takes to form a new neuro-pathway and change an existing belief system or energy system.
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