Sometimes you repay karma for acts and deeds done by your family ancestors.
When a child takes birth in a family the psychological and emotional memories along with karmas get transferred to the child as family conscious. Likewise, for a business set up the Karmas of the founding members and people who have led the organisation or been part of it becomes part of the organisation conscious.
These Karmas might manifest as certain patterns across generation without any logical explanation. In one of therapeutic cases, the client said her father killed her sister, the therapy revealed it is a pattern in the family. The great grandfather had also killed one of his child and something similar has happened in client's uncle's family. The therapy revealed that the ancestors of the family were involved in a war, where they killed loved ones of many people and the family today is repaying their karma by killing their own loved ones.
Such dynamics can be explored and healed through Systemic Constellation for family or business, by mapping energies of the lineage.
#Antaheen | www.imhappybeingme.in | komal@imhappybeingme.in