Are machines new generation of humans?
Creation of a new society the ‘Aware Humans’ and ‘Aware Machines’
A perspective by Komal Agarwal
We evolved from apes to
our present form and now I see a diversification in human evolution. I see it
dividing into two major directions. On one end we are talking about concept of
Ascension and multidimensional ‘Aware Humans’ the spiritually evolved souls.
The ones who are giving away corporate and material life to connect with their
true or raw essence. While on the other end, are humans who are becoming
‘working machines’ which in turn is leading them to develop autonomous machines
which can reduce their workload, replace them and do everything that a human
does – ‘The Aware Machine.’
So then should I say the
new age is about Aware Humans and Aware Machines?
Having being exposed to
both sides of the spectrum, on one hand being a psychotherapist working with
modalities of metaphysics and human energy system, while on the other side working
as marketing professional with an IT company, getting to understand mechanism
and use of new technological advancements of the digital age. I can now
actually compare and relate both the models the human energy system and models
of new digital age. I feel amused when I see that the new technology models are
actually replica of human energy systems which have existed from the time we
were created, just that large parts of it is still metaphysics and are not
scientifically proven or used.
The morphogenic energy
field that I work with in the family constellation can be called the mother of
the concepts we popularly know as ‘ Internet of things’ ‘Predictive Analysis’
‘Big Data’ and the ‘Block Chains’.
The morphogenic field is a
network of energy system, which connects everything in this universe. During a
family constellation workshop, every individual that we work with is a password
to their family energy system or any other system that they belong to, be it their
organization, community, geography etc. Through one individual you can then
have access to soul consciousness of other humans, things, emotions, feelings,
situations etc connected to him or her. This is very similar to how ‘internet
of things’ work.
The energy field I am
talking about has record of all incidents of a person’s life across time and
space. During a therapy the field can trace all soul imprints and analyze the
data available about a person, pin-points the root cause for a particular issue
the individual intends to address and gives a summary or overview of the
incidence which caused it and needs healing.
It also enables the person to resolve it, affects of which can later be
seen in physical reality. This is similar to how the new advanced analytical
tools are using the concept of ‘big data and ‘block chains’.
The energy field can also
show you future predictions; pros & cons of options related to a decision
you planning to take today. Very similar to how ‘Predictive Analysis’ work.
This makes me think, that the
minds that are creating these technologies might not be aware about this energy
field or might not have got exposed to this human energy system at a conscious
level, however their subconscious is connected to it and is building digital
concepts which are replica of human energy models.
Hence the question…are
machines new generation of humans?
I often hear, ‘machines
will soon replace humans’ the question is, if they will replace humans, whom
will they work for? Is that what is called the ‘machine age?’
But yes if these machines
developed by humans work with the humans, or take care of low value tasks for
humans while the humans use their time in high value thinking and growth, the
evolution can be exponential. The concept of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ which
works like a human brain has the capability of connecting with various systems
and utilize data of the collective pool. The human system is also such. We are
multidimensional beings unconsciously connected to multiple energy systems in
the universe across time and space. It is only that at conscious level most of
us are not able to access that information.
We are now moving towards the 5D world, where
difference between heaven and earth, the subtle and manifested is diminishing
with time, moving towards singularity.