Human Brand Management
Inward Branding to Outward Projection
It is time to work with the subtle, not only the obvious. It is time to move beyond linearity and look at multidimensionality of existence. It is time to move from brand management to human brand management.
"As humans, out of habit, we give more value to things that are tangible. Things which we can see or touch, as it gives us assurance that we 'have' received or given something. The truth however is, that the most beautiful part of us, ‘our core’ is intangible."
When we talk about a brand or a person we usually consider things which are visible to the naked eye or exists in the moment. However there exists past history of experiences, events, relationships and people which defines today’s reality, beliefs and value system of a brand or a person.
What is human brand management? Is it another name for image management or celebrity management services?
Human Brand Management is ‘inward branding to outward projection.’ It is about first managing and expanding mindset of ‘humans’ running the brand and then extending their values to the brand and synchronizing it’s creation and management with humans running it.
To understand the process of human brand management, let’s look at each term individually –
i. Human
ii. Brand and
iii. Management.
i. What are Humans?
Everything is an unknown mystery, until its affect is proven. We have heard about three words body, mind and soul but what is the relevance of these three words in our existence?
a. Physical Body – Is the infrastructure or house which protects our mind and soul.
b. Mind – Is the software. It is through the mind that, one experiences thoughts, emotions, energy and physical body. Mind is mediator between soul and body. If anything needs to be managed in a human being, it needs to be done through our mind. The way you change codes in a software and the computer application starts working differently, likewise if we work and change your belief system or emotional hitches, the mind will construct a different reality for your life.
c. Soul – is the programmer, the spark which gives you life. Your consciousness your awareness.
Every soul has a unique purpose, target or objective for a life. That’s what we call ‘Purpose of life’ or ‘Life Purpose’. This life purpose gives us a vision; with which we create perception about ourselves and the life that we would want to live. Based on this life vision, we make selections in every area of our life. Be it life partner, friends, education, profession, lifestyle, including the business/profesison we want to be in, as the soul seeks experiences that these people or situations will bring. But as we grow up we start acquiring belief systems and values from our parents, teachers, our social environment etc. We start hesitating to express our true self and start adapting belief system and value system of society or social circle we live in to fit in. This results into a war between the soul purpose and the acquired perceived self that we have created. Leading to confusion and stress. Do we get stressed when we do things we love? We might get tired but not stressed. According to Dr Robert Dilt, an internationally recognized leading NLP practitioner the different logical levels of the human mind and the way it thinks are:
If we expand this,

Under process of Human Brand Management, we help a person to pin point root cause of conflict between soul purpose and acquired perceived self, resolve entanglements which might be leading to an issue or limiting a person to grow, to make a person expand their vision and realize their unique life purpose. This makes a person a Human Brand, with a unique proposition. As explained earlier, everything a person does in life is an extension of his personal vision, likewise vision of a brand is defined by vision of the leader leading it, the moment you remove entanglements and expand vision of the leader, the vision and performance of the brand expands with it.
ii. What is a Brand?
A brand is something which has a unique positioning or core value that it stands for. The brand’s character and behaviour is driven by its core value. A good brand is one which can consistently project the imagery it stands for. The consumers register the brand which is unique and not a replica. The day a brand starts copying other brands or reflects their qualities, it loses its identity, effectiveness and value in eyes of its consumers. A brand is a virtual human being, which has a name, personality, language, colour, tone of voice, emotions and functions.
Brands are nothing but outward projection of our own self. Likewise, a company or corporate brand is outward projection of the core value of the creator or the leader. The leader’s aspiration, personality, values and thoughts get reflected in the brand or company he creates. In short, projection of his/her perception about self.What is ‘in’ gets reflected ‘outside.’
a. The Body of the brand - is its brand logo, brand language, store design, communication material etc, which are physical existence of the brand.
b. Mind of the brand – the strategist, is the leader or owner of the company running it.
c. The Soul of the brand - is its core value or positioning, emerging from the purpose of the brand, which is extension of core value of the leader, emerging from leader’s purpose of life.
iii. Management – The process
Using Clinical Hypnotherapy and Systemic Constellation work we first work with the mind and soul of the leader, help the visionary to resolve his/her entanglements and expand his/her mindset. This in turn gives a clear and expanded vision to the organization or brand he/she is leading.
The positioning of the corporate brand is then created considering expanded vision or purpose of the leader. It is also supported by data collected from market insight and consumer research. In short, after the inner branding work the brand is projected outwards in physical form as in brand logo, visual language, packaging, communication material etc.
After working with the vision of the leader, webring perceptions of the second layer of leaders and other team members in sync. Such that when the brand is created, there is balance at all levels for effective brand performance.
Hence Human Brand Management. Inward Branding to Outward Projection.